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Supplemental Security Income, also known as "SSI,"
is a program similar to SSD, but for those who do not have enough work credits to qualify for SSD. The Social Security Administration will determine at the time of your initial filing if your work history entitles you to the SSD or SSI program. The requirements and procedures for completing a claim for SSI benefits are the same as SSD, and the need for timely appeals and possible need for an Administrative Law Judge hearing make the use of an Advocate a smart move in these claims as well.
Disabled children can also qualify under the SSI program.
Insurance for Everyone
Social Security is not just for retired people. It contains an insurance policy for all Americans who are unable to work due to disability. Unlike private insurance, the Social Security Disability program is controlled and funded by the United States Government.
The Social Security Disability program is not adversarial. The Social Security Administration will read and consider all your evidence, and will do so with fairness in mind. But it will not make your case for you. This is one of the reasons why the use of Advocates or Representatives is encouraged for anyone seeking to apply or who have applied on their own with no success.
The two types of Social Security programs for which Capista & Capista provides Advocacy service are explained below.
Social Security Disability Insurance, also known as "SSD" or "SSDI,"
is available to people who are unable to work due to disability. The Social Security Administration defines disability as the inability to engage in any gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment(s) which can be expected to result in death or which has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months. Physical and mental impairments are also defined by the Social Security Administration, and there are various interpretations within that list.
Applying for Social Security Disability always begins with an initial application being taken either by telephone, in person at a Social Security Office, or online. The initial application asks for a vast amount of personal information and usually takes a great deal of time to complete. Many people choose to have an Advocate represent them during the initial application process, as a thorough, complete initial application will increase the chances of an early, favorable decision.
Most initial applications are denied. Social Security can take several months to complete its review of your initial application, so a denial can be very discouraging. Denials can be appealed; many people who had chosen not to hire an Advocate for the initial application find that this would be a good time to consider one.
A denial of benefits must be appealed within 60 days of your receipt of the denial. By failing to file a proper appeal within the time requirement, an applicant can lose his or her appeal rights and will then have to re-file an initial application, costing the applicant a great delay in receiving benefits. An Advocate's responsibilities include making sure that your appeals are properly filed in a timely fashion.
An Administrative Law Judge Hearing may be required. The final administrative level of appeal is to request a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge, who is appointed by the Social Security Administration to make a final determination on your application for benefits. Most people are uncomfortable being in this unfamiliar setting without representation. An Advocate will present your medical evidence in an ordered manner, building a foundation for your claim on his or her knowledge of the Social Security regulations. Your Advocate calls to the Judge's attention all evidence that supports your claim and may even call witnesses. Having a well organized, professionally presented and passionately argued case greatly increases your claim's success at this event.